I just wanted to put here why this comic exists. As you can tell I am NOT a great drawer. I only started around a month bfore i drew my first comic. And even then I wasnt drawing very often at all. So i thought 'I need practice, I need a schedule. Whats somthing that requires me to draw regularly?'. Ironicly, I was looking at a web comic at the time. So yeh, I decided to draw up my life. And so 2/28 was created. Even as i type this now, i've only been drawing for around 2-3 months, and although I have improved, I have a LOOONG way to go.

Now because this is for me to practice drawing, I'm trying not to use any other media in my work. My writing is really shocking, so I have to type out the words. Other than that, i'm trying not to use anything. So bfore you bitch at me bout the quality of the comic, keep in mind... 1. I'm a beginer. 2. I'm not using anything apart from a pencil and rubber (not even a ruler) and 3. its suposed to be something fun, nothing serioius and amazing. I just wanna learn new skills and the such. Thyanks all for listening, and enjoy 2/28!

TO CONTACT ME (MSN Messenger only, no email garintee as i get loots of junk mail)

ICQ - 113769568

2/28 is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Yes they are. I can prove it! oh yeh!? Come over here and say that! Look man, that was only one time and he said it was special. What did you do to my mum?! Man you are so going down! OI! Stop pulling my hair! Ow! My spleen!